Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Black men in america

Well my brothers we are coming to the end of the school year, and the warm weather is here but my young brothers you have a lot to consider. It is cool to have fun and you should do that but, what are you young brothers going to do to put yourselves ahead of the game for next year or what will you be doing to better yourselves over the summer?
I ask this question to make you think about opportunities. Because as a young black man you need to always be thinking of ways to be just that much better.
Opportunities are all around, like maybe taking a class, helping out in the community, learning about starting a business, trying to start a business doing something you like. The options are limitless as to what you could do versus sitting around or hanging out on the block. So what opportunity will you take advantage of? I would like to hear about it.
As for my more mature black men what options or ideas might you have for these young brothers? I know I don't have all the answers so please feel free to jump in and help these young brothers.